Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 5 /5
Economics: Complex Windows

This volume contains papers that provide an analysis of topics in the following areas: Agent Based Models, Non-linear Time ...

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Evolutionary Microeconomics

Classical microeconomics is intended to explain how a price system is able to coordinate the economic agents. But even if ...

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Nonlinear Dynamics and Heterogeneous Interacting Agents

Economic application of nonlinear dynamics, microscopic agent-based modelling, and the use of artificial intelligence techniques ...

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The Entrepreneurial Society

This book builds on the European Union’s (EU) Horizon 2020 project ‘Financial and Institutional Reforms for an Entrepreneurial ...

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Towards Environmental Innovation Systems

The book brings together research communities from different disciplines and countries, and offers an exchange about theoretical ...

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Total Books: 1 - 5 /5